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英语 Not dead ? ! ?
A backend update for cucumis !

Yep I had a couple of hours today to work on a few updates mainly for security matters.

First of all, all site is now in https for security (was done few weeks ago).

Also, passwords used to be stored in clear in database. This is fixed now, passwords are hashed.

And finally a [DELETE SPAMMER] button for admins.

Happy 2019 to all of you!

法语 Pas mort ? ! ?
丹麦语 Ikke død ? ! ?
瑞典语 Inte död ? ! ?
英语 I am very Allergic to EGG. Can you please make...
I am very Allergic to EGG. Can you please make make sure there are no eggs, egg whites or egg yolks in the ingredients?
We are going on a cruise to the Baltics and I want to make a card I can use to make sure the servers understand that I cannot have egg. If there is a better phrasing to make the overall sentiment of the comment more understandable in a certain language please feel free to let me know.

瑞典语 Jag är mycket allergisk mot ägg.
冰岛语 inní mér syngur vitleysingur
inní mér syngur vitleysingur
engelska - brittisk, franska - fransk

瑞典语 inom mig sjunger en dÃ¥re
英语 namoWoman : In between worlds of sexualities, dualities and tonalities
By recreating themselves, artists transcend their time and place and now Salim has endeavored to overlook the life in his hometown, Tehran, by composing his 6th album, namoWoman. An instrumental avant-prog and prog metal album, namoWoman hires microtonal Persian music influences while introducing a newly constructed language (conlang) named "l3abEl" (pronounced Babel) in which the album’s booklet is written.

Salim is a man of extremities while always seeking reconciliation and harmonization among the most remotely contradictory elements. So developing as a rock/metal artist in a rock alien environment in his hometown or expressing himself by personalized mediums like a conlang of his own, all come natural to his lifestyle. In his 2012 album, Salim has hired an expressionist microtonal approach toward art rock/metal that he describes himself as "empty spaces filled with occasional wild electric guitars and expressive melodies while having oriental dance elements undercover".

About the concepts behind namoWoman composition, Salim says "I have always found the assumption of impossibility an important trick against my mind – a human mind that usually prefers patterned and inductional methods of cognition." Salim adds: "As an artist, creating and experimenting with yet unexplored mental realms has always fascinated me and in order to trick my mind into pushing toward new possibilities, I like experimenting around fundamental concepts like human sexuality. Ideas like considering human sexuality beyond its dualistic nature let me to enter a new mindset and fascinations about worlds of non-Carbon based life, gradually fed my creativity for namoWoman. Maybe I can say this mindset forced my mind to respond on vital levels and challenge its own existence…"

The album cover features Carvaggio’s painting of Medusa, which according to Sigmund Freud is "the supreme talisman who provides the image of castration". Salim says: "namoWoman cover design is a symbolic representation as if the way of transforming dualistic conceptuality passes through castrating one’s sexual identity and reconstructing it anew. All songs in this album appear as perspectives of such creative realms".

Here, Persian music quarter tones are coming in between western music intervals – as Salim has outlined in a music theory article on his website, "Persian Modes: Reading Between the Lines of Western Music". While quarter tones harmonize namoWoman album’s musical language, the l3abEl conlang accompanying its booklet tries to establish the harmony in realm of words.

namoWoman is available in digital and CD format at

namoWoman is the name of a music album

西班牙语 namoWoman: Entre mundos de sexualidades, dualidades y tonalidades
巴西葡萄牙语 namoWoman : entre mundos de sexualidades, dualidades e tonalidades
法语 namoWoman : entre sexualité, dualité et tonalités
俄语 namoWoman: Ð’ перерывах между мирами сексуальности, двойственности и тональности.
德语 namoWoman: Zwischen Welten aus Sexualitäten, Dualitäten und Tonalitäten
荷兰语 namoWoman: tussen werelden van seksualiteiten, dualiteiten en tonaliteiten.
罗马尼亚语 namoWoman: ÃŽntre lumile sexualităţilor, dualităţilor ÅŸi a tonalităţilor
土耳其语 namoWoman : Cinsellik, ikilik ve tonalite dünyaları arasında
瑞典语 namoWoman : mittemellan världar av sexualitet, dualism och toner
波兰语 PomiÄ™dzy Å›wiatami seksualnoÅ›ci, dwuznacznoÅ›ci i tonalnoÅ›ci
丹麦语 Imellem verdener af seksualiteter, dualiteter og toner
波兰语 dokÄ…d idÄ… psy
DokÄ…d idÄ… psy gdy odchodzÄ…?
No bo jeśli nie idą do nieba
To przepraszam Cię Panie Boże
Mnie tam także iść nie potrzeba.

Ja proszÄ™ na inny przystanek
Tam gdzie merda stado ogonów
Zrezygnuje z anielskich chórów
tudzież innych nagród nieboskłonu.

W moim niebie będą miękkie sierści
Nosy, łapy, ogony i kły
W moim niebie będę znowu głaskać
Moje wszystkie pożegnane psy

英语 Where do dogs go?
瑞典语 Vart tar hundar vägen när de lämnar?
英语 Tantine Donation
Tantine, expert and moderator of the free translation community (, has been fighting against cancer for years. She has a tight budget for medical treatments, so she opens the donation link (, and everyone who has a Visa or MasterCard credit card may help her, in whatever amount from cents to euros/dollars.
If you do not have a credit card, you may also contact her directly to see what you can help.

Happy New Year 2015!

Tantine's Blog:

Tantine's Facebook:
Please disseminate this information to your world.

西班牙语 Donación para Tantine
巴西葡萄牙语 Tantine Doação
泰语 บริจากให้แก่แทนทีน
德语 Tantine Spende
土耳其语 Uzmanımız Tantine
瑞典语 Tantine - donation
波兰语 Darowizna dla Tantine
挪威语 Innsamling for Tantine
葡萄牙语 Doação Tantine
希腊语 βοηθείστε την Tantine
丹麦语 Tantine Donation
俄语 Пожертвование для Тантайн
罗马尼亚语 DonaÈ›ii pentru Tantine
荷兰语 donatie voor Tantine
塞尔维亚语 Rad je stvorio covjeka a nerad gospodina.
Rad je stvorio covjeka a nerad gospodina.

英语 The work...
瑞典语 Arbete - inaktivitet
土耳其语 sover
Kendinde değildin ki bu yüzden uyudun

Namazını kıldın mı

Namaz kiliyordum zaten

Iş 3 de mı başlıyor

Rüyamda seni gördüm
Edits made according to Figen's suggestions.

瑞典语 Sover
塞尔维亚语 I ja tebe volim sreco moja, andjele puno.
I ja tebe volim sreco moja, andjele puno.
Skulle vilja ha detta översatt till svenska

Edited by maki_sindja.
Before edit: "I ja tebe volim shreco moja andele puno"

瑞典语 Jag älskar dig ocksÃ¥ min kära, min ängel, väldigt mycket!
英语 I love you too, my darling. Very much!
波兰语 Delikatny erotyk dla Ciebie..
Delikatny erotyk dla Ciebie

W zagłębieniu mych dłoni
Twe palce odkrywają mapę mej kobiecości
z czułością i rozkoszą

Niewinność naszych spojrzeń
przykuwa uwagÄ™ ludzi

Bliskość oddechów
przyspiesza rytm krwi w nas płynącej

I to co zakryte staje się... święte
w ten czas nierealnego trudnego szczęścia

Bolesne wspomnienia odchodzÄ…
leczone balsamem miłości przedziwnej czystej

I choć uśpiony lęk w nas jeszcze pozostaje
cieszymy się pewni że Bóg nas wspiera
w radości niewysłowionej i boskiej
British English

英语 A delicate erotic for you
法语 Un délicat poème érotique pour toi
意大利语 Una delicata poesia erotica per te
瑞典语 Finstämd erotik för dig
英语 worthless
socially unfit
a failed creation
in despair
in solitude

I am living
I want to express myself

The screams unlike any other, take form

The ones that are labeled “worthless” are the ones that have nothing to be afraid of

I express myself to live
I live to express myself

This is one worthless man’s proof of existence

法语 sans valeur
西班牙语 Sin valor
瑞典语 Värdelös
罗马尼亚语 Fără valoare
意大利语 Senza valore
巴西葡萄牙语 Mais quando a cidade adormeceu, um anjo lindo...
Mais quando a cidade adormeceu, um anjo lindo apareceu. Era você na minha vida.

瑞典语 Men när stan föll i sömn sÃ¥ uppenbarade sig en vacker ängel. Det var du i mitt liv.
瑞典语 Mitt sprÃ¥k förvillar och förstör, mitt sprÃ¥k gör...
Mitt språk förvillar och förstör,
mitt språk gör inte som jag gör.
Mina ögon talar, och jag bad:
lyssna till dem, gör mig glad.
Källa okänd

Vackert - tänkvärt i en global värld där språk ibland krockar ;-)

英语 My language confuses and destroys, my languge...
汉语(简体) 汉语(简体)
瑞典语 Av sprÃ¥ket fordras rätt och slätt att det bär...
Av språket fordras rätt och slätt att det bär fram det man menar.
- Konfucius

英语 language
汉语(简体) 汉语(简体)
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